Saturday 13 October 2012

The horrible asymmetry of processing HTML

So I've got my developer hat on for the purpose of this blog post.

If you were designing a client/server system where you had to transport a representation of an object from the server to the client, I'm almost certain that the code you have that serialises and de-serialises that object would be identical on both the client and server.  As an example imagine a web service, the representation of a request and response object defined in XML Schema and instantiated in XML, but both client and server code would only ever deal with objects and not directly with XML i.e. the serialisation and de-serialisation is handled automatically.

So I had a kind of "Huh?, that's weird" moment when thinking about how the majority of web application frameworks handle HTML.  Most frameworks have an HTML template on the server side and then some scripting language interspersed in the template that customises the template for that request.  So that's how an HTML representation of a web page is generated on the server side, but how is that representation processed on the client side?  Well, as we all know, the browser (or User Agent (UA)) creates a Document Object Model (DOM) from the HTML and from this internal object representation displays the web page to the user.

So the client side UA receives a serialised representation of a the web page object (in HTML) and de-serialises that to a DOM (object representation) for processing.  However, the server side starts with a serialised version of a the web page object (in HTML) and makes direct edits to the serialised version of the object (i.e. the HTML) before sending it to the client.

The lack of symmetry hurts that part of me that likes nice design.

So either the way web application frameworks work is particularly clever and those of us that have be serialising and de-serialising objects symmetrically in every other system we build have really missed a trick.  Or, web application frameworks have evolved from the days of static HTML pages into a system where serialised objects are edited directly in their serialised form, a design that would be universally mocked in any other system.

Now to be fair web application frameworks have evolved into convenient and efficient systems so it could be argued that this justifies the current design.  I would worry though that that is an institutionalised point of view, since making changes to HTML (the serialised web page object) directly is all we have every known.  Of course it's the right way to do it, because it's the only way we've ever done it!

I'll be the first to raise my hand and say I'm not sure exactly how you might go about about generating web pages in a convenient and efficient way in code, before serialising it in HTML, but I certainly don't think it's impossible and I accept that any initial design would be less convenient and efficient to what we already have (but that seems inevitable and would change as we get experience of the new system).

Now for all I know there may be great reasons why we generate the web pages the way we do, but if there are I'm guessing they're not widely known.  I can certainly think of some advantages to manipulating a web page as an object on the server before serialising it and sending it to the client, and if you think about it for a bit, perhaps you can too?

Sunday 7 October 2012

Scaling Defences

In defending against vulnerabilities in code there is concept probably best summed up by this quote:
We only need to be lucky once. You need to be lucky every time. 
IRA to Margaret Thatcher 
The concept is basically that an attacker needs to find just one vulnerability amongst all possible instances of that vulnerability, whereas a defender needs to mitigate every instance. If you consider this in the sense of a single vulnerability type e.g. buffer overflows, then I don't think it's true.  The reason I don't think it's true is that the actual problem is the way we create our defences, that is the security controls we put in place to mitigate the vulnerability.

Take the buffer overflow example.  If a developer tries to defend against this vulnerability by ensuring that each instance where he writes to his buffers, that his code never writes beyond the boundaries of  his buffer, then if he fails to do this correctly in just one instance, then it might be possible for an attacker to find and exploit that vulnerability.  But what if that developer is programming in C#?  There is no need for the developer to be right everywhere in his code, as C# is (effectively) not vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks.  So if we can choose the right defence, we don't need to mitigate every instance.

For me the next question is what differentiates defences that are 'right'?  I would argue that one important criteria, often overlooked, is scale.  Taking the buffer overflow example again, if the developer has to check his bounds every time he writes to a buffer, then the number of vulnerabilities scales with the number of times the developer writes to their buffers.  That's a problem that scales linearly, that is, if there are Y buffers referenced in code, then the  number of places you have to check for vulnerabilities is X = aY, where a is the average number of times a buffer is written to.  Other common compensating security controls we put in place to make sure the developer doesn't introduce a vulnerability also tend to scale linearly; code reviewers, penetration tests, security tests, etc.  By this I mean if you have D developers and C code reviewers, then if you increase to 2D developers you will likely need 2C code reviewers.

If you choose the 'right' defence though, so for example using C# or Java, then you don't need either the developer or compensating controls worrying about buffer overflows (realistically you would probably have some compensating controls for such things as unsafe code).  Note, I'm suggesting changing programming languages is practical solution, I'm just trying to give an example of a control that completely mitigates a vulnerability.

Below is a graphical representation of how the costs of certain types of security controls (defences) scale with the number of possible locations of a vulnerability.

The red line is showing the cost of a security control that scales linearly with number of possible locations of a vulnerability. The blue line is the cost of the 'right' security control, including an initial up-front cost.

The purple line is for another type of security control, for situations where we do not have a 'right' security control that mitigates a vulnerability by design.  This type of security control is one where we make accessible, at the locations where the vulnerability might exist, some relevant information about the control.  For example, annotating input data with their data types (which are then automatically validated).  If this information is then available to an auditing tool where it can be reviewed, then the cost of this type of control scales in a manageable way.

What is also interesting to note from the graph is that the red line has a lower cost initially than the blue line, until they intersect.  This implies that until there are sufficient number of possible locations for a vulnerability, it is not worth the initial cost overhead to implement a control that mitigates the vulnerability automatically.  This perhaps goes some way to explaining why we use controls that don't scale, as the controls are just the 'status quo' from when the software was much smaller and it made sense to use that control.

My main point is this; when we design or choose security controls we must factor in how the cost of that control will scale with the number of possible instances of the vulnerability.

Sunday 9 September 2012

The Model Developer

In security we spend a lot of time focusing on attackers and imagining all the possible ways they might be able to compromise an application or system.  While I think we are currently immature in our ability to model attackers, the industry does seem to spend some time thinking about this, and generally ends up assuming attackers are very well resourced.

I come from a cryptographic background, and in crypto you tend to define an adversary in a more mathematical way.  When designing a new crypto algorithm the adversary is effectively modelled as another algorithm that is only limited in the sense it cannot be 'computationally unbounded' and it does not have direct access to the secrets of the crypto algorithm.  Apart from that no real assumptions are made and it is most certainly expected that the adversary is much smarter than you.

For all the time we spend thinking about what attackers can do, I wonder if we should also spend some of that time modelling what developers can do.  Developers, after all, are an essential part of the systems we build.  Let's try and model a developer:
  • Knowledge.  Developers understand how to code securely.
  • Experience.  Developers have experience in coding securely.
  • Time.  Developers are given sufficient time to write secure code.
  • Priority.  Developers prioritise security over functionality.
  • Consistency.  Developers code security the same way every time.
  • Reviewed.  Developer code is thoroughly reviewed for security.
  • Tested.  Developer code is thoroughly tested for security.
[We are actually modelling more than just a developer here, but also the environment or support structures in which they develop as that directly effects security too.]

How accurate does that model seem to you?  It would be great for people that design systems and their security if developers could be modeled in this way, it would make their jobs a lot easier.  Unfortunately it seems that people who suggest security controls for vulnerabilities sometimes are making an implicit assumption about developers, they have modeled the developer in a certain way without even realising it, and that model is often fairly similar to one given above.

My favourite example of this is when people say the solution to XSS is to output encode (manually i.e. all data written to a page is individually escaped).  When this is suggested as a solution it is implicitly modelling that developer as; knowledgeable about how to output encode, experienced in output encoding, has the time to do write the extra code, will make it a priority, will be completely consistent and not forget to output encode anywhere, will have their code thoroughly reviewed and tested.  Don't misunderstand me, some of these assumptions might be perfectly reasonable for your developers, but all of them?  Consider yourself fortunate if you can model a developer this way.

Much in the same way that we model an attacker to be as powerful as we can (within reason) when designing systems, I think we also need to model the developers of our system to be as limited as possible (within reason).  It's not that I want people to treat developers as idiots, because they are clearly not, it's that I'd like to see the design of security controls have an implicit (or explicit) model of a developer that is practical.

The Content Security Policy (CSP) is an example of a control that I think comes pretty close to having a practical model for developers, since; the developer requires knowledge about how to completely separate HTML and JavaScript and about how to configure the CSP settings, needs some experience using the CSP, has to take time to write separate HTML and JavaScript, doesn't need to prioritise security, doesn't need to try to be consistent (CSP enforces consistency), does require their CSP settings to be reviewed, does not require extra security testing.  The CSP solution does model a developer as someone that needs to understand the CSP solution and code to accommodate it, which could be argued is a reasonable model for a developer.

Ideally of course we want to model developers like this:
  • Knowledge.  Developers don't understand how to code securely.
  • Experience.  Developers don't have experience in coding securely.
  • Time.  Developers have no time to write secure code.
  • Priority.  Developers prioritise only functionality.
  • Consistency.  Developers code security inconsistently.
  • Reviewed.  Developer code isn't reviewed for security.
  • Tested.  Developer code isn't tested for security.
 If our security controls worked even when a developer gave no thought to security at all, then in my opinion that's a great security control.  I can't think of a lot of current controls in the web application space have this model of the developer.  In the native application world we have languages like .Net and Java that have controls for buffer overflows that model the developer this way, as developers in these languages don't even have to think about buffer overflows.  You might be thinking that's not a great example as developers are able to write code with a buffer overflow in .Net or Java i.e. in unsafe code, however I think we have to model developers to be a limited as possible, within reason, and the reality is it is a sufficiently corner case scenario that we can treat it like the exception it is.

Modelling developers in a way that accounts for the practical limitations they face leads me to believe that creating frameworks for developers to work in, a sand-boxed environment if you will, allows for security controls to be implemented out of view of developers, enabling them to focus on business functionality.  A framework allows a developer to be modeled as requiring some; knowledge, experience, and testing, but minimal; time, priority and consistency.  A framework does still have substantial demands for review though (although I think automating reviews is the key for making this manageable).

If we can start being explicit about the model we use for developers when we create new security controls (or evaluate existing ones) we can hopefully better judge the benefits and effectiveness of those controls and move closer to developing more secure applications.

Drupal 7 security notes

So I just put together a page on Drupal 7 Security.  It doesn't require a lot of existing knowledge about Drupal, but some appreciation would probably help - at least knowing that Drupal is extendable via Modules and customisable via Hooks.

The notes were created so I could give some advice on securing Drupal 7, and since I didn't have any knowledge about Drupal security, the goal of the notes is to bring someone up to speed on what mitigations or approaches Drupal makes available to solve certain security threats.

Here are the topics I cover:
The Basics
User Login
Access Control
Dynamic Code Execution
Output Encoding

What is interesting after you understand what Drupal offers, is to think about the things it does not offer.  I worry a lot  about validating input and if you use the Drupal Form API then you get a good framework for validation as well, similarly for the Menu system.  However for other types of input, GET request parameters, Cookies, Headers etc., you are on your own.  There are a variety of 3rd party modules that implement various security solutions e.g. security related headers etc., but it would be good if these were part of Drupal Core, as security should never just be an add-on.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Why being a defender is twice as hard as being an attacker

So it occurred to me that being a defender is twice as hard as being an attacker (at least).  I don't mean that in an absolute or measurable sense of course, just in some sense that will become obvious.  I also will limit the context of that claim to applications although it may apply to other areas of security as well.

The goal of an attacker is to find vulnerabilities in an application.  An application is protected by defenders who design vulnerability mitigations and developers who implement functionality.  Of course an attacker only needs to find a single weakness and a defender needs to try to protect against all attacks, which itself would probably support my claim, but it's not what my point is going to be.

Conversely, a defender's goal is to minimise the number of vulnerabilities in an application.  Defenders attempt to realise this goal by designing defenses that both limit what the attacker can do and limit the flexibility the developer has.  However, it is not only attackers that will hack away at a defenders defenses, it's also the developer.  The point of this blog post is that developers show surprisingly similar characteristics to attackers when they create novel ways to circumvent the defense mechanisms defenders put in place.  After all developers have the goal of implementing functionality with the minimum amount of effort as possible, and defenses often make that more difficult (even if only marginally more difficult). 

Clearly the motivations are entirely different in the attackers and developers case, but at the end of the day the defenders are being attacked on twin fronts; by the attackers looking to get in and by the developers looking to break out.

Monday 23 April 2012

CVSS doesn't measure up.

I was doing some basic research into software metrics the other day and I came across something that I was probably taught once but had long since forgotten.  It was to do with the way we measure things and is covered in the Wikipedia article on Level of Measurement.

Basically there are 4 different scales which are available to measure things:
  • Nominal scale - Assigning data to named categories or levels.
  • Ordinal scale - A Nominal scale but the levels have a defined order.
  • Interval scale - An Ordinal scale but the difference between, or units, of each level are well defined.
  • Ratio scale - An Interval scale but with a non-arbitrary zero-point.
Why these scales are interesting is that only certain type of math, and therefore certain conclusions can be drawn from what you measure, depending on what scale the measurements belong.  For instance we can order the finishing place of a horse race into 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. (an Ordinal scale), but we can't meaningfully say what the average finishing place of a horse is as there is no magnitude associated with the difference between the levels.  If on the other hand the races were over the same distance, we could could measure the time the horse took to complete the race (a Ratio scale) and calculate it's average time.

Sometimes we have an Ordinal scale that looks like an Interval or Ratio scale, for instance when we assign a numeric value to the levels e.g. ask people how much they like something on a scale of 1 to 5.  But this is still an Ordinal scale, and although we can assume that the difference between each level is a constant amount, nothing actually makes that true.  Thus calculating the average amount that people like something e.g. 2.2, is often a meaningless number.

When reading about this I was reminded of the way vulnerabilities are categorised and how we would so dearly like to be able to assign numbers to them so we can do some math and reach some greater insight into the nature of the vulnerabilities we have to deal with.  The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) suffers essentially from this problem; vulnerabilities are assigned attributes from certain (ordered) categories, and then a complicated formula is used to derive a number in a range from 1 to 10.  It is basically optimistic to think that a complicated formula can bridge the theoretical problem of doing math on values from an Ordinal scale.  I wouldn't necessarily go to the other extreme and say it makes CVSS totally without merit - just that it's not the metric you likely wish it was.

Sunday 15 April 2012

An idea for adding privacy to social media

It would be great if all the media that people upload to social media sites was still under the control of the owner and we didn't have to place complete trust in the social media site.  Initially I thought that maybe OAuth might offer part of a solution, but really it isn't designed to solve this problem, it just allows you to share a resource on one web site with another web site.  What we really want is to allow a user, the resource owner, to retain some control over their resources and not delegate all security to the social media site (to protect the innocent I'll reference a fictitious social media site called PinFaceTwitPlus).

Of course one way to protect a photo or video (a resource) that you upload is to encrypt it, but then you have 2 problems; where to put the encryption key and how to let people you share with decrypt the resource.  Obviously PinFaceTwitPlus can't have the key or we haven't gained anything, and you yourself can't store the key since you would have to run your own server.  So the solution would seem to be another service that was responsible for handing out decryption keys to those privileged few you have authorised to view your resource.  Let's call this service PrivacyPoint.

Here is how I see this working from the point of view of adding a new resource to PinFaceTwitPlus.  You go to PrivacyPoint in your browser, you select a locally stored photo and ask PrivacyPoint to protect it.  In your browser PrivacyPoint encrypts the photo and embeds an encrypted key that can be used to decrypt the photo (the key is randomly generated and encrypted to a key unique to you), and also a reference to PrivacyPoint.  You then upload the encrypted photo to PinFaceTwitPlus and share it with whoever amongst your friends is worthy.

How this works from a friends point of view is that when PinFaceTwitPlus wants to show them the photo, the encrypted version gets downloaded to their browser and the page determines that it needs to decrypt the photo, so using the embedded link to PrivacyPoint, it sends an identifier for the friend and the encrypted key to PrivacyPoint.  Using the friends identifier PrivacyPoint asks PinFaceTwitPlus if the friend is allowed to view the photo, if they are PrivacyPoint decrypts the key and returns it to the friend whose browser can now locally decrypt the photo and display it.

The desirable properties of this system are these:
  • PinFaceTwitPlus does not have (direct) access to your resources - a vulnerability in PinFaceTwitPlus would not immediately leak user resources.
  • Your resources do not pass through PrivacyPoint, even though PrivacyPoint could decrypt them - a vulnerability in PrivacyPoint would not immediately leak user resources.
This system is not perfect for the following reasons:
  • PinFaceTwitPlus is acting as a decision point for which of your friends can see which of your resources.  This means it could add itself to your list of friends and grant itself access to your resources.  What makes this issue potentially tolerable is that to access your resources it must ask PrivacyPoint for the decryption key, which means PrivacyPoint has a record of it asking; a record that would be viewable by you to audit who accesses your resources.
  • PinFaceTwitPlus can impersonate any of your friends though, so in any access audit log it would just appear as a friend viewed your resource.  I don't see a (sensible) technical solution to this, but I suspect there is pressure on PinFaceTwitPlus to not allow it's employees to impersonate it's users due to the negative business impact.
From a design point of view the goal has been to separate the resource from the social media site, and this has been done by distributing the trust between 2 services; PinFaceTwitPlus to store the encrypted resource and decide who has access, and PrivacyPoint to hold the decryption keys and enforce the resource access decision.

Clearly I have left out vast amounts of detail (lots of which would need to be thought through more thoroughly) as it's difficult to express it all in a blog post.

To be honest I wouldn't give this design high practicality points as it requires a fairly substantial infrastructure in order to work.  Still, any practical system often starts out as something that's possible and evolves into something that's probable.

Monday 9 April 2012

Good password paper

So I have just been reading A Research Agenda Acknowledging the Persistence of Passwords (I actually read it in the Jan/Feb 2012 issue of IEEE Security & Privacy) and I wanted to make a quick post about it so I would have a record to reference in the future and because I thought it was an excellent read that challenges the perceived wisdom of "passwords are bad, mmmkay".  The point of the article is that is doesn't stand and up and say passwords are either good or bad, but that we lack the information to know that answer currently and that since there is no clear emerging solution on the horizon we have to take a more pragmatic approach to how we should be using passwords as a security solution.

Sunday 1 April 2012

OWASP Web Defence Presentation

I went to the OWASP London meeting last Thursday where I watched the excellent Jim Manico give a presentation on the state of the art in web defences (presentation available here).

The talk was largely focused on the most common web app vulnerabilities and how to defend against them.  If I was to over-simplify the message of the presentation I would say that it focused on training developers and giving them libraries to help mitigate the threats.

Whilst I agreed with everything that was said, and I fundamentally believe that training developers is an essential part of any SDLC, I would have liked to see the main emphasis be on developing frameworks that either virtually eliminate the vulnerability or allow for ease of auditing that developers are doing the right thing.

I actually had a chat with Jim in the pub after the presentation and asked him about the focus of his talk; it turns out we actually pretty much agree that web defences need to be part of a framework (and he was clearly better informed than I am about the state of the art in that department).  His talk it seems was focused on the practical things that can be done today.

If I was going to give a similar presentation I think I would feel the need to focus on where we need to get to.  To my mind vulnerabilities of all types, in any piece of software, are basically impossible to eliminate via training; this does not make training useless, training is still necessary, I just don't think it's sufficient.

We need to make our web applications secure by design, secure by default and security auditable.  The first 2 principles are commonly understood, the last I think is something that I don't see people talking about and I think it is the direction we need to move in.  Any framework will have the ability to bypass the default and do something insecure, and that's fine as that kind of flexibility is usually essential.  What we need is the ability to easily find deviations from security best practice and focus our review efforts on those areas.  Unless we can identify the weak links in our security chain we will never be able to get the kind of security assurance we want.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

How to become a Certificate Authority

CAs - there are certainly a lot of them, but where do they come from?, how are they made?  First of all don't believe anything I have to say on the matter; I have never gone through the process and anything you read here is speculation and incomplete information.

However, if you were to start looking around the internet for how to become a CA's, here is some of the information you may find, some of which you may find interesting.

So any business can become a CA but it's pointless unless you get your root certificate into a browser.  To do this you first need to ensure you meet the requirements of the various browser certificate programs.  These are:

Microsoft Root Certificate Program

Mozilla CA Certificate Policy (Version 2.0)

Apple Root Certificate Program

Google appears to use the underlying OS certificate store.  So on Windows this will be the same as what IE uses, however on Linux, the different distributions seem to use the ca-certificates package.  It is interesting to note it's description:

$apt-cache show ca-certificates
Package: ca-certificates
Description-en: Common CA certificates
 This package includes PEM files of CA certificates to allow SSL-based
 applications to check for the authenticity of SSL connections.
 It includes, among others, certificate authorities used by the Debian
 infrastructure and those shipped with Mozilla's browsers.
 Please note that certificate authorities whose certificates are
 included in this package are not in any way audited for
 trustworthiness and RFC 3647 compliance, and that full responsibility
 to assess them belongs to the local system administrator.

The ca-certificates seems to include mostly Mozilla certificates, although a few others as well.  The ca-certificates package also seems to power the Java key store as well.  

According to the above certificate programs, any of the following standards is sufficient to convince the browsers (depending on the browser maker) to include you as a CA.

Microsoft Mozilla Apple*
ANSI X9.79-1:2001 N Y N
ETSI TS 101 456 V1.2.1 (2002-04) or later version Y Y N
ETSI TS 102 042 V2.1.2 (2010-04) or later version Y Y N
ISO 21188:2006 Y Y N
WebTrust Principles and Criteria for Certification Authorities Y Y Y
WebTrust for Certification Authorities—Extended Validation Audit Criteria Y Y Y
*Actually Apple may accept more, but you have to prove equivalence.

The ANSI and ISO organisations should be familiar to most people, but what about ETSI and WebTrust?  Well ETSI is the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and WebTrust is made up of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accounts (CICA).

The 2002 ETSI standard actually only applies to CAs that want to create certificates for digital signatures.
"These policy requirements are specifically aimed at qualified certificates issued to the public, and used in support of qualified electronic signatures ..." (Section 1)
As a standard it is based on:
"The present document makes use of the principles defined in IETF RFC 2527 [2] and the framework defined in ANSI X9.79 (see bibliography). The aim of the present document is to achieve best possible harmonization with the principles and requirements of those documents." (section 5.1 NOTE 2)
The later ETSI standard (which linked above is from 2011-12) is based on the earlier 2002 ETSI and covers the full range of CA activities.  The later standard also references RFC 3647 (from 2003), which obsoleted RFC 2527 (1999).  RFC 3647 is itself based on an American Bar Association document "PKI Assessment Guidelines, v0.30, Public Draft for Comment, June 2001", which references the WebTrust standard (at the time, which was v1.0 issued in August 2000 and was a licensed document).

The version 2.0 WebTrust (AICPA/CICA) standards (linked above) were created by some folk from the big accountancy firms (Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG) but declares that it is based on ISO 21188, and is consistent with ANSI and IETF (the RFCs) standards. 

"This document was developed by a CICA/AICPA Task Force using ISO 21188 “Public Key Policy and Practices Framework” and Version 1.0 of the AICPA/CICA WebTrust Program for Certification Authorities."
"The Principles and Criteria for Certification Authorities are consistent with standards developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The Principles and Criteria are also consistent with the practices established by the CA Browser Forum (see" (Page 6)

Although I didn't have access to the ISO 21188 (2006) document, I found a couple of references that implied it was based on the ANSI X9.79 (from either 2000 or the X9.79-1 from 2001) standard.  Again, I didn't have access to the ANSI document, but I found this Mozilla mail threat from 2005 which seem to indicate that the ANSI document shared a lot in common with the v1.0 WebTrust standard (from August 2000).

The ANSI X9.79 standard, according to these presentations, here and here, draw the criteria that CA's must reach from several other ANSI, BS, FIPS, IETF and ISO standards.  It does seem to be the granddaddy for all the other CA standards.

Standards are one thing, but all the CA Certificate programs call for an independent audit against one of the standards.  It seems that the WebTrust is the most used standard nowadays and even comes with a draft report that auditors can give to a prospective CA indicating hat passed the audit.  A choice quote from that draft is (where ABC is the name of the CA):
"ABC-CA’s management is responsible for its assertion. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on management’s assertion based on our examination."
So basically the CA is audited against what they assert and not a list of mandated requirements.  This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make you wonder about the relationship between auditors and auditees when the later is paying the former.  Admittedly that is a problem for auditors regardless of what they are auditing against.

So how does this change your perception of how a CA becomes a CA?  Well for me there aren't a lot of real surprises here, but I would be very interested to see the actual audit reports produced by the independent auditors.  I think there is a real argument that since the public is putting so much trust in the CAs then they should make their audit reports publicly available, or at least release substantial parts of it.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Trust CAs? Yes. No. Probably.

So this was an interesting read on the various proposals to change the way CA based PKI works.  This lead me to want to learn more about some of the proposals, including Convergence by Moxie Marlinspkie (youtube talk here)

The Moxie talk was interesting as he talks a lot about where the trust in the CA system is and where it should be.  I think we can go even further in the analysis of the trust.

For starters the root of trust is not just the CAs, but also where the CA root certificates are stored, the browser/OS certificate store.   We also need to trust how they get in the store as well.  This is interesting as the root CA certificates would be updated (I assume) over an HTTPS connection which is ironic since we are relying of the trust-worthiness of the CA system in order to update the trust-worthiness of the CA system.  This is fine, unless there are issues with the CA system, which I think the current zeitgeist indicates there is.

There is also the browsers themselves, as if they were compromised in any way then the trust in the CA system would be broken.  I don't think people consider this to be high risk, but let's not forget that companies like Microsoft or Google are not immune from political pressure and certainly not economic pressure, especially when applied from a nation state.

To me that is the major design criteria that the CA system needs to achieve; protect people from the most powerful adversary, the government of their country.  There are other powerful adversaries, but they seem to have balancing forces; organised crime have international police forces, untrustworthy CAs have the browser vendors and economic pressures.  The government of your country does not have a balancing force (this is less so in a democratic country, but still not sufficiently balancing in my opinion).

If you really wanted to be paranoid about trust you could include the implementation and design of the algorithms used in the code that implement the cryptography.  However it's fairly easy to test that they work as expected and they can also be reverse engineered.

Moxie also mentions that any authenticity system needs to worry about who you need to trust and for how long.  I think the current CA system is not terribly broken in this way.  We can and do revoke root CA certificates, so we don't trust CAs forever and although people can argue that we shouldn't be trusting them at all, well we have for the past 20 years and the Internet hasn't broken, by in large it all works fairly well.  It's unreasonable to expect that CAs will never be bad, so as long as we have balancing forces (browser and economic pressures) then the current system works well enough.  Saying that, I would like to see the problem of any CA being able to certify any domain be solved, I think that is a glaring vulnerability in the system.

Fundamentally, users are not in a position to make a trust decision, and allowing them to choose might feel like empowering them, but in the end they will always choose the path of least resistance.  This just leaves the option of having watchers watch the system and react to problems, which obviously makes it a reactive rather than a proactive system.  So there will always be a certain amount of fraud or insecurity as a result.  Until that escalates to a point where the cost out-weighs the benefits, the current solution of a CA-based PKI is likely to remain (largely) unchanged.

Monday 13 February 2012

He shoots. He scores.

They say security is only as strong as its weakest link.  In reality I think it's quite common that you need a couple of the links to break before an attack succeeds (a threat turns into a vulnerability).

This makes me curious if the likelihood of an attack can be expressed as the number of links that require breaking? 

It seems probable that the likelihood of a successful attack decreases with the number vulnerabilities the attack requires.  It is also difficult to estimate the skill or effort required to exploit any particular vulnerability as it depends on the skill and motivation of the attacker, something that is difficult to accurately estimate.  It seems that often claims that an attack is too difficult to pull off do nothing but encourage certain communities to challenge that claim.

It's important for me to clarify that I'm not talking about the number of steps that it takes to exploit a vulnerability, like the hoops you need to jump through to exploit a buffer overflow with DEP and ASLR enabled.  I am talking about the number of discrete vulnerabilities required to be chained together for successful exploitation.

At one end of the spectrum we have vulnerabilities like standard SQL Injection; this is a 1 stage attack if the goal is recover information from a database.  Reflected Cross Site Scripting is a 2 stage attack, stage 1 is to create the payload (script) and attack vector (email, website) and stage 2 is to lure the target to follow a link (I going to say that people are always a discrete vulnerability).  I can't think of any simple 3-stage attacks, except when there are specific mitigations put in place for defence-in-depth, such as a bank having a maximum withdrawal limit.

With our new metric for the likelihood of an attack succeeding, I'm just going to convert those numbers directly into qualitative likelihood measures:
  • 1-stage = High likelihood
  • 2-stage = Medium likelihood
  • 3 or more stages = Low likelihood
I have no idea if that is a sensible allocation, but I'm going to use it for now and see how it compares to the usual way I would assess likelihood.